Well, I am now doing multiple simultaneous projects while struggling to keep my gpa up :P
One project is another collab with squeakytoad, which should be something special yet again. A combination of great art work with innovative programming of the gameplay.
My other project is a solo project, of which I am very excited to release. It's going to be a series with a compelling story, intense battle sequences, and great effects. I'm using new programming techniques to generate effects that would take animators a very considerable time to pull off. It will be a definite must play game when it's complete.
In the mean time, you will be seeing smaller submissions by me which are slight foreshadowings of the solo project i'm working on. The latest song I submitted is one of those. You'll be hearing it probably while engaging in a boss sequence of the game.
Well, just letting you know I'm working and working and working....and....occasionally sleeping! Look forward to my next submissions!